Over the years Gary has dealt with numerous reputable outfitters, booking agents, publications, organizations and business that deliver quality products. While this list is not exhaustive, it provides direct links to some of these entities.
Angler's Inn - www.anglersinn.com - By Billy Chapman Jr. - Lakes El Salto and Picachos on Mexico's west coast provide quality largemouth bass fishing.
Bird Hunters Africa - www.birdhuntersafrica.com - An outfitter specializing in mixed bag bird shooting in South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique.
Black Dog Outfitters - www.blackdogoutfitters.ca - Their mission is to provide outstanding waterfowl, deer, and upland bird hunting in friendly Alberta, Canada.
Cabela's - www.cabelas.com - The world's foremost outfitter and supplier of hunting, fishing and outdoor gear.
California Waterfowl Association - www.calwaterfowl.org - A non-profit hunter supported conservation organization.
Detail Company Adventures - www.detailcompany.com - A booking agent specializing in wingshooting and fishing worldwide.
Ducks Unlimited - www.ducks.org - DU is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving wetland habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife.
Global Rescue - www.globalrescue.com/kramer/ - The premier medical, security and evacuation provider whose commitment begins at your point of injury or illness and brings you back home to your hospital of choice.
Grey Reef Anglers & Wingshooting -www.greyreefanglers.com - Is a Casper, Wyoming based North Platte River fly fishing lodge and bird hunting outfitter.
Hunt Hawaii - www.hawaiisafaris.com - Hawaii's most diverse outfitter offering big game and bird hunts.
Natures Images - www.natures-images.co.uk/ - Is a UK based wildlife photographic holiday and workshop agency established by professional nature photographers Danny Green and Mark Sisson.
Pitboss Waterfowl, Inc. - www.pitbosswaterfowl.com - A waterfowl guide service offering the finest decoying birds on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
Sports Afield - www.sportsafield.com - America's original outdoor magazine.
Shooting Sportsman - www.shootingsportsman.com - The magazine of wingshooting and fine guns.
The Hunting Report - www.huntingreport.com - Newsletter serving the hunter who travels.
Tikchik Narrows Lodge - www.tikchiklodge.com - A deluxe fly-out lodge in the Wood River/Tikchik Lakes region of Western Alaska, specializing in fishing for all five species of Pacific salmon and trophy rainbow trout.
Trek International Safaris - www.treksafaris.com - A full service travel agency specializing in hunting and fishing destinations worldwide.
Wilderness Unlimited - www.wildernessunlimited.com - An organization that provides access and manages private lands in the west for hunting and fishing.