Hunter & bird boy with mixed bag of ducks, Argentina - SHDmhb#030d
Duck hunter/guide in boat, Argentina - SHDba#025d
Rosy-billed Pochards in the bag, Argentina - SHDbp#015d
Hunter with ducks over decoys, Argentina - SHDa#076d
Hunter (Alan Sands) w/Brazilian Ducks, Argentina - SHDbw#027d
Hunter retrieving duck, Argentina - SHDr#055d
Hunter (Greg Mensik) w/Rosy-billed Pochards, Argentina - SHDp#100d(2)
Hunter shooting at Silver Teal over decoys, Argentina - SHDsst#001d
Hunter shooting at Silver Teal over decoys, Argentina - SHDsst#007d.jpg
Hunter shooting at ducks over decoys w/bird boy calling, Nicaragua - CMHhd#003d.jpg
Hunter shooting ducks at sunrise/sunset, Nicaragua - NHDaa#058d
Hunter with guide shooting at Black-bellied Whistling Ducks over decoys, Nicaragua - NHDmab#006d
Hunter and guide with mixed bag of Ducks, Nicaragua - NHDmv#002d
Hunter shooting at Cinnamon Teal over decoys, Peru - SHPctd#004d
Hunter shooting at Cinnamon Teal over decoys, Peru - SHPctd#023d(2)